[Root] Theater Time for Wear

by Konrad Iturbe - Chernowii


not available

This app aims to control the Theater Mode, a feature that turns your Android Wear watch's screen to pitch black, to avoid any distractions or light emitted from the screen.You can use the Intents with Tasker/AutomateIt to turn on/off Theater Mode for almost any situation, for instance when you arrive work/school or your phone is charging...More updates coming soon!
**NOTE:** Root access is required on the watch to inject the settings into the system, the phone does not need root access.
Root your watch here: 6.0.1 Marshmallow: http://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/supersu/android-wear-6-0-1-root-squashfs-t3319097/post65428079#post65428079
5.0 - 5.1.1 LP: http://rootjunkysdl.com/getdownload.php?file=LG%20G%20Watch/Root/Wear-SuperSU-v2.40.zip
Flash the corresponding ZIP file to the watch by using a recovery such as TWRP.
The app has been tested on: LG G Watch, Sony SmartWatch 3.
Source code: https://github.com/KonradIT/TheaterTime